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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - CFL's


CFL Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

People around the world are asking;
"How can I reduce my energy bill?"
"How can I combat Global Warming?"
"How do I reduce my dependence on fossil fuels?"
We'll show how to begin doing these things. And you can start today!

If you're not already using compact fluorescent lights, it could be as simple as screwing-in a new light bulb.

Imagine eliminating the pollution of one million cars.

Yes, you can make a difference, if you really try.

If every household in the U.S. replaced just ONE incandescent light bulb with an energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), it would eliminate the equivalent of the emissions created by one million cars. And that's only one bulb per household! Most homes have 15-30 bulbs.

Compact Fluorescents (CFL's) provide more light with less power. They typically require less than one-third the energy to produce the same amount of light, as common incandescent bulbs.

At, we hope to show you just how easy it is to save money on your electric bill, reduce pollution, and make a difference in the future of our planet, by simply using CFL bulbs for your lighting needs. You'll learn how much energy is wasted by common lighting products and find economical ways to begin making the switch toward a better future for our children. Using CFL lighting is one of the quickest and easiest steps you can take toward a better environment. We will challenge you to begin today, by changing at least one bulb in your home to a CFL, and hopefully more.

We also encourage you to introduce your friends to the advantages of CFL's. How many of your friends does it take to change a light bulb? Find out by inviting them to join you!

You'll find additional CFL info in our "Learn about CFL's" and "FAQ" sections, and of course, linked from our top menu bar.

Thank you for visiting!

The next step? Learn more about Compact Fluorescent Lighting!

Shopping? Find great deals on:

Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs - CFL's

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