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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

EU Promotes Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL’s) : Sustainable Development Blog

EU Promotes Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL’s) : Sustainable Development Blog

EU Promotes Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL’s)

Posted on October 22, 2008
Filed Under Uncategorized |

The 27 member European Union, along with Australia, Cuba and the Philippines have all voted to ban all incandescent light bulbs by 2010. This will make a huge impact on the amount of energy consumed by these countries.

The WWF published a report on the savings that are projected by this move. One of the most pronounced savings is “(…) Incandescent bulbs consume three to five times more than efficient lights, such as integrated compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The replacement of the worst-performing lamps with today’s best available technology will contribute to the reduction of domestic energy consumption for lighting by 60 per cent in the EU, equivalent to some 30 million tons of CO2 annually.”

To read the entire new report from WWF, follow this link.

As is pointed by many, the new compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) are more expensive, but a savings in energy cost will more than make up for the price. Plus the added fact that they last longer will make the switch a no brainer.

As with every issue, there are always people who are passionate on the subject on both sides of the coin. Humans have been misusing our resources at an alarming rate. Just as we pay more for bread, gasoline and clothing than we did years ago, just accept the fact that we need to pay more for light bulbs. Is spending a few extra bucks worth it when you are saving the planet. Isn’t she worth it????

I hope the United States wakes up and joins the EU.

Beverly Saltonstall, Environmental Writer


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