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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Greener Geek: Alternatives to CFLs in the not-so-distant future

My Comments:  Better alternatives to CFLs, with lesser hazards  and  

in an environmentally friendly way, appearing on the horizon  TB Dev.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Alternatives to CFLs in the not-so-distant future

My 10 year old daughter did a science project on the real energy savings in a home by using CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamps) last year. She even covered the typical "anti-green" arguments against using CFLs (Mercury and Total Life Cycle Energy Costs). To no ones surprise, CFLs are the way to go.
The future looks bright (don't you hate lighting nerd puns) for emerging technology. About six month ago a milestone was passed when OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) efficiency surpassed that of the most energy efficient fluorescent lamps. While that article stressed energy efficiency, developments continue to be made on other fronts, namely utility and cost to produce.
In the not so distant future, our walls or ceilings may glow with gentle diffuse white light that can be adjusted for color or brightness on a whim, all the while producing that light efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way.
Maybe it is a good time to sell your stock in table lamp companies?

Posted by A Greener Shade of Geek at 7:39 AM

Greener Geek: Alternatives to CFLs in the not-so-distant future

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