Haryana Govt. Environment Press Releases
All press releases of the public relations department, government of haryana dealing with environment in the state of haryana.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
energy efficiency in agriculture
Nov.9 - With a view to promote energy conservation inagriculture sector and to ensure reliable power supply to tubewellconsumers, the Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam plans to introduce anovel scheme for farmers under which an independent distribution transformer of the appropriate capacity/ rating will be provided tothe tubewell consumers who make an energy efficient water pumping installation. At present the State is supplying almost 50% of thetotal available electricity daily to the rural sector. There is 25%potential of saving electricity in the sector by making the existingtubewell systems energy efficient. Giving details of this ambitious scheme, a spokesman said here todaythat the Nigam has started the process of appointing energy auditorsto conduct an investment grade energy efficiency analysis of all thetubewell installations. Each tubewell installation would be analysed for energy efficiency. The recommendations of the energy auditorsshall be provided to the farmer. Any farmer who opts for making thenecessary changes to his pumping installation to make it more energyefficient shall be encouraged by the Nigam by providing him adedicated transformer. Upon complete implementation of the energyefficiency recommendations of the energy auditors, the farmer wouldget the installation checked again by the energy auditor and if theinstallation passes the requirements, a clearance certificate shall beissued to the farmer by the energy auditor. Upon submission of thecertificate to the Nigam, the Nigam would provide the farmer with anindependent transformer for his exclusive use. Under the scheme, the Nigam will provide the independenttransformer, convert the existing low tension lines into 11 KV linesi.e. High Voltage Distribution System (HVDS) at its own cost. Afterhaving the independent transformer and new distribution system, thewilling consumers will be benefited by way of better voltage, reliableand uninterrupted power supply. It will also help improve efficiencyof motors, avoid their burnout due to less current as well as damageto distribution transformers and the system due to overloading. The Nigam would install distribution transformers of 6.3, 10, 16, 20,25 and 40 KVA capacity depending upon the load disclosed by theapplicant. The applicant will be the sole owner of the distributiontransformer and nobody else will be fed from that transformer. For availing benefit of the scheme, the willing consumer is requiredto make the installation 100% energy efficient. It will be in theinterest of the farmer (s) as well as the Nigam. It will be mandatory for the willing farmer to use HDPE / R –PVCpiping. He will ensure that the motor installed at the site is withminimum ISI mark and three star rating and as per the Bureau of EnergyEfficiency standards. The control cable and equipment like starters,capacitors etc. should be of good quality from ISO 9000 firms.Installation of capacitors by the farmer will be essential to improvethe power factor in the system. In addition, the applicants would also use Compact Fluorescent Lamps(CFLs) in place of conventional bulbs. The benefit of the scheme willnot be given to the defaulting consumers.

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