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Friday, November 14, 2008

penny saving: The Many Benefits Of Utilizing Low Energy Bulbs At Home

penny saving: The Many Benefits Of Utilizing Low Energy Bulbs At Home

Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Many Benefits Of Utilizing Low Energy Bulbs At Home

The need to use more energy-efficient lighting systems has been the battle cry of a lot of environment groups and sustainable development advocates. This has been the clamor in response to the burgeoning energy crisis, as well as to curtail the harmful effects of global warming and climate change. Industries and consumers are now heeding the call for the wider use of energy-efficient equipments and devices, and many are now using eco-friendly low energy bulbs for their home lighting needs.
These days, the most common energy saving lighting devices are compact fluorescent lamps which are also referred to as CFL's. These lighting types have been touted to be among the best and most affordable low energy bulbs for homes and offices. Although some still question the effectiveness and long-term benefit of these types of lighting devices, many however are giving it positive reviews and say that CFL's and other energy-efficient lighting devices are a step in the right direction. According to green lighting advocates, the standard light bulbs consume large amounts of energy because these turn energy into heat rather than light. CFL's on the other hand work in the same manner as their early fluorescent cousins, wherein the electric current makes its way through gas in a tube and its tube coating glows brightly. These low energy bulbs truly utilize lesser energy, remain cool to the touch, and generate the same amount of light as traditional lighting devices. According to green advocates, if only all of us use just one energy saving light bulb in our homes, we could save as much as 1-million buses full of CO2 emissions, and if each household uses just three energy saving bulbs at home, they would be able to generate extra energy to run our nation's street lights for a year. Wouldn't that be great for the environment, as well as to the economy?

Consumers today need not fret anymore or find any excuses not to use energy saving light bulbs. It's a fact that these home-lighting devices last longer than standard home lighting devices, as long as 6 to 15 years depending on the wattage type and lighting product you purchase. Consumers are also given the opportunity to save as much as of 75% of the energy you would use with traditional incandescent or old-school fluorescent lighting. In addition, the latest array of low-energy light bulbs manufactured and sold today are no longer really big ones, as these are usually slightly smaller than their standard lighting equivalents. These low energy lighting equipments also come with attractive designs and classic shapes. The wide variety of compact fluorescent lighting and energy saving bulbs sold these days is also equipped with domestic dimmer switches to enable users to increase the light or reduce it by using a conventional light switch. Consumer welfare advocates also note that the energy-efficient home lighting devices sold today are much safer to use especially in confined areas, and also generate very little heat as compared to the standard lighting devices. These devices are also considered safe to use in areas where children are present and do not easily spark or burn up.

It's also important that consumers be aware that all types of fluorescent lighting contain a few amounts of mercury. However, they need not worry as the mercury levels in these lighting devices are far less than what is present in a thermostat or small thermometer. The good thing is that, the constant use of these light bulbs helps prevent the release of mercury into the atmosphere, and when these bulbs burn out a few years after the initial use, they can then be properly recycled. Jo is an author and publisher for ‘Litelec’ (, a UK company that specializes in the distribution of electric light bulbs, light fixtures, electrical accessories and associated merchandise for domestic and industrial use which they retail at vastly reasonable prices. If you would like to cut down your electricity costs and at the same time play an important role to the safety of the national environment then begin by utilizing Low Energy Bulbs at home and if you have other electrical merchandise and accessories requirement then have a look at Litelec.

Related Articles - bulbs, light, low energy bulbs, energy saving, light bulbs, light bulb,
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