Welcome To The Blog Site Of Matthew J. Banksthe place where dreams are madeWednesday, November 12, 2008§olarthere are some bad parts but (real site name) has an e-book section where one can search for books on solar power and turbine electrical generators and green stuff in general. spread the word, recycle everything, make solar mowers and tillers, build green houses with green-houses, ande spread the word in your community/sector - and share your knowledge with other cultural activists. protest nuclear waste. pickens plan.com has some good stuff.http://solarcooking.wikia.com/wiki/John_Grandinetti-this new tech makes methane and glass, no shithttp://www.scribd.com/doc/20259/The-GarbageProblem-Solved-Plasma-Gasificationhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_arc_waste_disposalhttp://www.peakoil.com/http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/and then there's solar in my latest blog----------"How to make a solar power generator"Make your own wind and solar power systems | Gristmill: The environmental news blog | GristWelcome to The Sietch - Projects Build Your Own Solar Battery Charger The Sietch is a community dedicated to changing the world for the better, through education and direct action. Do you have what it takes, if so become a member. A place of sanctuary in times of danger. MAKE: Blog: HOW TO - Build your own solar cell Sol Ideas shows you how to make your own solar cell and also has a pretty spiffy looking kit - [via] - Link. Related: Solar projects, articles, how-tos and more - Link.... Mobile Home Repair- Building an inexpensive solar heating panel building an inexpensive solar heating panel Build your own street-legal solar-powered electric car - EngadgetHow to MAKE PV Solar Panels: Supplies and Sources - Instructables - DIY, How To, tech - Entry What you may be able to use to build a useful solar panel: "Broken" solar cells. They are very cheap and they work, they are just randomly... Chapter 3: Electrochemistry Make a solar cell with common household materials Build Your Own Solar Panel: Generate Electricity from the Sun Build your own solar panel: generate electricity from the sun. Do-it-yourself instructions for building a low-cost, high-output commercial quality photovoltaic panel for home power or science experiments. Solar4Scholars: Make Your Own Solar Cell Try out this easy and fun experiment to create your own home-made solar cell using easy to find materials. Small Solar Panel - Instructables - DIY, How To, tech - Entry Construct a small, portable solar panel that will charge two AA rechargeable batteries in a day or two. Use the batteries to make any battery-powered... How to Make A Solar Powered Fan! - Instructables - DIY, How To, tech - Discover Green Science Fair for a Better Planet Entry (''Hooray! It's finally done. It's a bit late into the contest but we hope it is good!'') This project is what we're entering for the Go Green contes... Homemade solar cells screen printing press plans and videos"How to make a solar power generator"Chapter 3: Electrochemistry Make a solar cell in your kitchen Make your very own solar panel! Here's how! How and why you should seriously consider a passive solar home. The basics of solar home design. Nanocrystalline Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Kit from Sol Ideas Technology DevelopmentSol Ideas - How to Build Your Own Solar Cell Sol Ideas Technology Development - How to Build Your Own Solar Cell The Canadian Press: Create your own solar energy the next time you replace your roofMake Your Own Super Solar Wings To Propel A Scooter - Ecofriend Lead a Green Life with this guide to the latest information and reviews on eco-friendly products, alternative energy, solar, wind, wave, bio-fuels, gadgets, biodegradable products, hybrid vehicles, and more... Project Build A Solar Panel: Step by step guide to building a solar panel with complete illustrationsSolar Charged Lawnmower - Appropedia: The sustainability wikiGreen Living Ideas - Make Your Own Solar Collector Night Lights - sun jar,solar powered night lights,solar collector,led lamps,solar cell,energy saving,led lights,solar nightlight,natural lighting,solar garden lights,solar energy,energy efficient lighting,led light bulb,cfl Whether you have a kid, or you're tired of encountering your darkened hallway walls at midnight, or you simply like the ambience of soft lighting and you don't want to leave a beacon burning all through the night... an energy-saving night light is a must. Don Dunklee's DIY Solar Cycle : TreeHugger We 'huggers loves us some scooters. They're gorgeous, efficient, and lot of them even go electric which opens up all kinds of alt-energy potential. Even so, most of us would probably end up charging our electric bikes with the Create your own solar energy - Home Improvement - SILive.com Home and garden news and features and photos from The Staten Island Advnace. Get tips on decorating, entertaining and gardening and submit your photos on silive.com. Build your own min-Solar Power Generator - Wikibooks, collection of open-content textbooksDo-It-Yourself Solar-Powered PC: Technical Foundations : Solar-PC: Turning Sunlight Into Computing Power - Tom's Hardware Solar-PC: Turning Sunlight Into Computing Power Do-It-Yourself Solar-Powered PC: Technical Foundations : Even serious PC power junkies eventually understand that a high-performance PC costs some serious money. Over time, what really costs on such... HomeHome - solar-aid.org----------------- Original Message -----------------From: SallyDate: Jun 10, 2008 2:02 PMHave you had any success in inspiring or educating family and friends in reducing their personal footprint? I have had limitied success and would value any helpful feedback.Thanks!!Welcome To The Blog Site Of Matthew J. Banks: §olar
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