Let there be environment-friendly lighting
Here’s one really bright idea:
Dear Consumerline,
Greetings from Greenworld LED Solutions, Inc.! We are writing this letter in reference to your article “Shedding light on fluorescent bulbs” dated Oct. 21, 2008. This has perfectly complemented our advocacy to promote the use of not only energy-efficient but most importantly, environment-friendly lighting technologies so as to ensure and sustain a green tomorrow especially for the next generation of Filipinos.
Since we started out in February this year, we have been promoting and pushing for the use of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for general lighting because of these reasons:
1) LEDs have been developed to last for at least 35,000-50,000 hours as compared to the 5,000-10,000 hours that the CFL’s life has. This further results in fewer spent lamps in the landfill and less frequent lamp purchasing/changing.
2) LED lamps generate less heat than CFLs. And with the proper heat management techniques, it could dissipate heat totally. This would then decrease the load on air-conditioning systems, reduce the danger of burning from touching the light lamps, and reduce fire hazard.
3) LED lamps typically use less power (watts) per unit of light generated (lumens). A qualified LED lamp only generates half as many lumens as a CFL to reach the same illumination, which means there would be less greenhouse gas emissions from power plants and lower electric bills for the consumers.
4) Global experts have actually confirmed that LED-based lighting systems can also reduce total cost of ownership (TCOO) through avoidance in maintenance and waste disposal costs, and the reduction of electricity charges when compared to traditional incandescent or fluorescent lamps.
5) CFL has at least three to five milligrams mercury content. Although that is minimal, if you add up all the mercury for every bulb disposed by each household, it becomes a major concern especially for the children and pregnant women. So, finding your article was actually manna from heaven in its superlative terms for us. Thank you so much for sharing your article with the public.
Karen Maestrado
MarComm manager
Cebu City
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