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Monday, August 22, 2011

CFL and LED energy-efficient bulbs

CFL and LED energy-efficient bulbs

Conventional incandescent and fluorescent bulbs are on the verge of becoming extinct. More and more consumers are looking to supply their home with energy and money-saving alternatives. Light Emitting Diode (LED) are not only extremely energy-efficient but their utilization has evolved from single-bulb use to being able to fit into virtually any household light fixture, which is achieved by grouping the small bulbs together. Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFL) are smaller versions of full-sized fluorescents and emit the same light as incandescent bulbs. There are numerous advantages to using both CFLs and LEDs over traditional light bulbs. Below are a few reasons to flip the switch:
· Although both LEDs and CFLs cost more than incandescents, money is being saved overall due to their extended lifecycle and energy-efficiency. Research is in progress to replace the expensive sapphire-based technology of LEDs with inexpensive silicon wafers to combat the high cost of producing LEDs.

· LEDs outlast both CFLs and typical incandescents, making them the most energy-efficient. Energy savings, extension of battery life and fewer replacements make this option the most financially profitable and cost-effective.
· CFLs and LEDs convert most of their energy into light and not heat. Thus energy is conserved and unnecessary warmth is avoided.
· Air and water pollution is reduced due to energy saving by lowering CO2 emissions, sulfur oxide and high-level nuclear waste.
· The versatile employment of both CFLs and LEDs mentioned above is equal to that of incandescent bulbs.
· CFLs utilize rare phosphors which provide a warm, gentle color and lighting instead of the kind of light we’re all accustomed to seeing in typical fluorescents.
· Both CFLs and LEDs come in different, styles, shapes, and sizes to accommodate those interested in convenience, changeability, light quality and desired wattage, variety and, of course, the home décor aficionados.
· Novel models are still in development. For instance there soon may be a new kind of bulb called Electron Stimulated Luminescence (ESL), which would still outlast incandescents, while producing less heat, as well as not contain any mercury (a slight drawback of CFLs), making disposal less hazardous.
Making the decision between CFL and LED bulbs depends on what you’d ultimately like to achieve. To save the most energy go with LED but to keep the brightness level to a maximum while still conserving energy and money over time, the choice is CFL. Whatever you select, kno wthat you’ll be making a guiltless upgrade, while helping the environment, which is after all the ultimate aim.
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1 comment:

meluk lighting said...

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