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uesday, November 4, 2008

Energy Efficiency Articles

Energy Efficiency Articles

Renewable Energy and Winds of Change

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 04:09 PM CST

There are large windmills hundreds of feet high strategically gathered in these open areas. Each of the blades on the windmills requires a semi truck to haul it. They are then put into place with various pieces of construction equipment.

Can You Make Your Own Windmill? - The Basics of Windmill Technology

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 03:29 PM CST

The main reason you are here reading this article is that you have probably felt the crunch of paying exorbitant electric bills and have finally decided to make your own electricity. Rejoice, as I have the right information that can help you. In making a windmill, it would be best to be aware of its terrific advantages.

Build a Homemade Windmill? - Is it Hard?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 02:50 PM CST

Did you even realize that you can truly save extra cash from electric bills and be an environmentalist as well? Well, that is if you decide to build a homemade windmill.

Home Windmill Power Package For the Entire Family

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 02:47 PM CST

Saving money for the rainy day is one of the most practical ways that an individual must be adept into. In connection, so many concerned individuals and even common people have tried investing in life insurances, educational plans, memorial plans and all sorts of bank savings just to prepare themselves for the future.

Electricity Windmill? - New Alternative Methods

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 02:41 PM CST

A lot of people prefer to ignore the alternative of making their own electricity windmill. Issues about the costs and the feasibility of carrying out such project relative to their skills are just some of the reasons cited for this oversight. They believe that to build a windmill is a very expensive project and that they cannot match the skills needed in making a complicated task.

How to Build Your Own Wind Generator

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 02:21 PM CST

You can build your own wind generator for less than $100. A simple home windmill can help lower your electricity bills and pay for itself in no time. Anyone with average mechanical ability can build a home generator.

Build Your Own Solar Panel Kit For Less Than $ 200

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 02:08 PM CST

If you go to buy your own solar panel, it will involve a large investment. This is the main reason as to why people are going into How to do it Yourself Solar Power. This is much cheaper than buying one.

Solar Power For Residential Home Use - Create Your Own Solar Power Systems

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 02:03 PM CST

With fuel prices soaring and power plants around the world already operating at full capacity, now is the time to consider solar power for residential home use. Current energy production produces dangerous wastes in the form of carbon emissions and other environmental toxins which all contribute to the poisoning of our planet. Now is the time to turn to clean renewable energy in order to preserve our future.

Solar Panels & Solar Power - Start Living "Off the Grid"

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 01:57 PM CST

Not a week goes by without some newspaper or magazine headline warning us about the rapid consumption of non-renewable energy sources in the face of an ever growing global demand for energy of all types. These warnings about our environment are telling us that it's time to do something, but what? Well how about living "off the grid"?

Residential Solar Power System - Which Type to Build

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 01:56 PM CST

What sort of residential solar power system to you require? Before setting to work building your own residential solar power system you must first ask yourself what your requirements are. The three types of residential solar power systems which can be integrated into your home.

Residential Solar Power Systems - Build Your Own

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 01:53 PM CST

With rising energy costs and global warming, we are all looking for opportunities to go green. To support environmental initiatives, people everywhere are beginning to think more sustainable and are looking for alternate energy sources. Residential solar power systems support this positive environmental trend.

Guide to Build a Wind Generator - Cheap Alternative Energy

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 01:48 PM CST

It is rightly said neighbors envy, owner's pride. My neighbors after seeing my wind generator have been continuously asking me as to how I did it and how much it cost me to do it. I kept telling them that it cost me not less than $ 100 and not more than a couple of days to put the generator in action. Do you believe it? Well, they too did not.

Vertical Axis Windmills - Cheap Alternative Energy

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 01:46 PM CST

Homemade power plants for generating energy can be of two type's namely vertical axis windmills and horizontal axis windmills. The former requires less space and the latter requires more space when installed.

Build Your Own Solar Power System - Cheap Alternative Energy

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 01:40 PM CST

Building your own solar power system is the best way to save money and save the environment from carbon emission. It helps us in preserving resources and also leads to healthy living. It will make the world a better place to live in by having a greener environment

How to Build Solar Panels?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:59 AM CST

How to build solar panels? Is it possible to make it yourself from the comfort of your home? If you are a DIY person, than it is very easy and hopefully a fun time. There are many places on the internet which will show you how you can make your own solar panel.

Wind Power For Homes - Is it Worth It to Build Wind Power at Home?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:53 AM CST

Nowadays thousands of people around the world searching for alternative ways to use renewable energy from the comfort of their homes. Wind power is one of the best alternative way to save their money on electricity bills. So is it worth to have a wind power at homes? Can we generate electricity from wind to reduce electricity bills?

7 Things to Consider When Looking Into Wind As an Alternative Energy Source

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:42 AM CST

How can I know if Wind Energy would be the right choice for me? How long will we be able to use Wind Energy?

Seal Home Improvement - 6 Instant Fixes

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:40 AM CST

Tired of throwing money out the windows (literally!) on unnecessarily high utility costs? The easy seal home improvement methods listed below are quick, simple ways to secure your home against heating and cooling loss.

Save Money, Reduce Your Energy Costs - Build a Solar Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:38 AM CST

Building a solar panel is much easier than you think and cheap at the same time. I reduced my energy costs up to 80% just by building a solar panel. You can save a fortune just by generating free energy.

Lower Your Energy Costs Up to 80% by Building a Solar Panel

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:36 AM CST

Do you want to lower your energy costs up to 80%? I set up my own solar panel and now I'm saving 80% of my energy costs. It was easy and the setup costs were very low.

Energy Saving Tips That Save You Money

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:25 AM CST

We all know that our planets resources are running out at an ever increasing rate, but did you know that there are some small, simple energy saving tips that you can follow that can save you a lot of money over a year, as well as help save the environment. If you follow all, or even some, of the tips below, you can actually see a real difference to your utility bills.

Home Improvement - Energy Efficient Homes

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:20 AM CST

Want to build an energy efficient house but can't afford it or don't want to bother with it? Then renovate your existing house.

Save Money While on Vacation

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:19 AM CST

When you leave for vacation, how do you prepare your home? After you pack your suit case, what should you do to save money while you are gone? Here are three tips to save you money while on vacation.

What is Better, a Vertical Windmill Or a Horizontal Windmill?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:18 AM CST

So, which is better, a vertical windmill or a horizontal windmill? Actually neither. Both varieties of windmill have their own advantages and disadvantages. That is why they exist as choices.

Energy Efficient - Design Your Home and Attic Efficiently

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:18 AM CST

Want to save money during the summer months? Check you attic. You could be letting the hot air from your attic into your living area. Here's three tips how to design a "cool" home.

Achieve Smoother Power Flow Through a Solar-Wind Turbine Combined Power Generation System

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:17 AM CST

Using multiple renewable energy sources can supply more reliable energy flow. While one source is a minimum, the other source can pick up the slack. The wind may be blowing, when the sun is behind the clouds and the sun may be bright, when the wind is dead. Having a multi-pronged renewable energy approach can ensure smooth and reliable energy flow.

Energy Efficiency - Save Money Using Light Bulbs Called CFL's

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:17 AM CST

There are many lamp technologies in our time to choose from. There are incandescent bulbs, LED's, Halogen's, and CFL's. How can you choose the right one for your home? Since the government is focusing on CFL's, that's what this article will discuss.

Energy Efficiency - CFL's Save You Money, But at What Costs?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:17 AM CST

CFL's can save you money. But are they right for you? Let's review the advantages and disadvantages of using CFL's for you home.

What Wind Speed Do I Need to Make a Wind Turbine Practical?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:17 AM CST

In order for a wind turbine to be practical, you need the wind resource in the first place. So, what wind speed is necessary for a wind turbine to be practical?

The Downside of Buying Your Wind Turbine From a Manufacturer

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:17 AM CST

Renewable energy is a great way to gain energy independence and profit from natural resources. But what are the downsides of purchasing a wind turbine from a large manufacturer? Are you really getting what you pay for?

How to Choose a Wind Turbine Design

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:16 AM CST

When choosing a wind turbine, there are generally two choices. You can opt to purchase a vertical axis turbine or a horizontal axis turbine. Each type of turbine has benefits and draw-backs depending on the nature of your property.

How Several Wind Turbine Projects Can Eliminate Your Power Bill

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:16 AM CST

By building several home wind turbines, it is possible to eliminate your electric bill if you live in a windy area. A wind turbine can be a short project that only takes a weekend to put together. By doing several of these wind turbine projects, you can create several wind turbines and eliminate your power bill altogether.

How Much Do Solar Panels Cost?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:16 AM CST

Have you considered generating your own energy with solar panels? Well, a major consideration is how much they will cost. If the panels are too expensive, then they may not pay off for you in the long run.

What Are Amorphous Silicon Solar Panels?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:16 AM CST

Solar panels are made of crystalline or amorphous silicon in general. So, what are the differences between amorphous silicon solar panels and crystalline silicon solar panels?

4 Creative Ways to Use Outdoor Solar Garden Lights

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:14 AM CST

Outdoor solar garden lights can be used in a variety of ways to light up your home and landscaping. Outdoor solar garden lights provide free lighting for 10 or 15 hours during the evening and night that will improve the look of your home and also provide some security.

How to Determine If a Home Wind Turbine Will Save You Money

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:13 AM CST

There are a lot of advertisements for "free energy," but is it really free? Find out how much a home wind turbine "really" costs. Do the math and decide for yourself, whether you will really save money owning a home wind turbine.

Are Wind Power Turbines Practical?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 11:04 AM CST

So, can you really save money by buying a wind power turbine? The answer is yes if you live in the right location. If your property has an average wind velocity over 10 miles per hour, you can save money by purchasing a wind power turbine.

Building Your Own Wind Powered Turbine

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:57 AM CST

Professional turbine systems can be prohibitively expensive for many people who would like to take advantage of renewable energy. Rather than spending thousands of dollars and maybe "never getting your money back," it is possible to build your own wind powered turbine for less than $200.

How to Increase Your Wind Turbine Output?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:57 AM CST

You can increase your wind turbine output by proper positioning. Certain locations on your property will naturally funnel wind. Finding the the ideal location for your turbine will increase its overall power output.

Save Money by Building Your Own Horizontal Wind Turbine

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:56 AM CST

If you live in a windy area, where the average wind speed is greater than 10 miles per hour, you can save money by building a horizontal wind turbine. The turbine should pay for itself in less than a year.

What Are the Components of Wind Turbine Electrical System?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:56 AM CST

Wind turbines are surprisingly simple, yet there is some electrical work that needs to be done in order to integrate the system into your home's power supply. Learn about the basic components of a wind turbine electrical system.

Pool Solar Panels - Heat Your Swimming Pool With Sunlight

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:56 AM CST

You can start swimming in your pool sooner if you heat it with solar panels. Or, maybe you just want to regulate the temperature to your liking. It is possible to do this without spending extra money on electricity to heat the water.

What Does "1 KW Wind Turbine" Mean?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:56 AM CST

There are a number of wind turbines on the market that are rated as "1 KW," but what does this mean when it comes to wind turbines? Well, first of all KW stands for kilowatt or one thousand watts. Watts are a measure of power or "energy output over time."

Why Buy a New Windmill When You Can Build Your Own Windmill Farm?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:55 AM CST

A new windmill (1 KW) can cost you four or five thousand dollars. It is possible to build a nearly equivalent system for only about $200. With several home built windmills, you can create your own small scale windmill farm and stop paying the power company.

When Looking For Windmills For Sale, What Should I Expect in a Windmill Price?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:55 AM CST

So, how much do new windmills cost? What should you expect to pay? Find out the price range for 1 KW and 2 KW windmills.

DIY Solar Power Projects?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:43 AM CST

Small-scale solar power projects are very accessible to homeowners who have tools and patience. From solar powered fountains and solar powered landscaping lights, there are some solar projects you can do yourself.

Think of Safety When Finding Other Heating Alternatives to Save Money on Gas During the Winter

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:31 AM CST

As winter looms within the horizon, it is important to think safely as each person gets concern with high natural gas prices. Natural gas prices will increas again this winter, as a result many people will find other alternatives to heat up their home and keep warm. Even with space heaters, fireplaces, and dura flame logs, there are risks for fire hazards. I have listed some pointers to be safe!

Save the Money From Your Faucet

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:26 AM CST

Saving money in your house is easier than you think. Everywhere that you use energy money is lost, and often times this can be minimized by simple ideas and innovations.

The Warm Man (Saving Money on Your Gas & Electric Bill)

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 10:19 AM CST

The key to staying warm in your home and reducing your heating bill is layering. I don't mean layering the house, but layering yourself. Layering will actually make you a nice toasty warm, and it won't matter which room you walk into, you are wearing your heater.

Solar PV Help Battle Climate Change and Offer Free Electricity

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 09:22 AM CST

Solar Photovoltaic cells (Solar PV) are effectively panels that absorb the sun's light (which is actually made of many tiny units of energy) and convert it via a sophisticated system of silicon wafers into an electrical current that can then be used to power up your home, office or electrical appliances directly.

Can You Really Make Free Electricity at Home?

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:44 AM CST

Quite a lot of people are wondering how they can make cost-free electricity themselves nowadays. Certainly, because energy prices are going up, we start to think about renewable energies and how we can take advantage of using them. Well, here in my article, I'm going to explain you two, most common ways of generating electricity at no cost.

How to Produce Cost Free Electricity at Home

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:44 AM CST

If you want to find out how you can make your own electricity at completely no cost, then you are reading the right article. Basically, there are two main ways of how you can do it, using renewable energy sources. One of them is wind, and other one is solar power. So here I'm going to explain you in short, what you need to get started as soon as possible.

How to Use Wind & Sun to Make Free Electricity

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:40 AM CST

If you think that you are paying too much for your electricity, or you just want to start using renewable energies, then wind and solar power is what you need. The technology of using natural power is getting very popular nowadays. People are worried about global warming and other issues, that's why they want to go as green as possible, protecting the environment.

How to Save Cash & Protect the Environment

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:38 AM CST

Don't you want to know how you can save tons of cash and protect the Earth in the meantime? I know, you might not be a person, who cares about the environment, global warming and all that stuff, but I think anyone wants to save some money. So if you are not a millionaire so far, and want to have some spare cash to spend on your favourite things, then please read on.

Say Goodbye to Your Energy Supplier Today

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:34 AM CST

Wouldn't you want to know how to make your own electricity and get rid off the company, which is charging you monthly to supply energy? Seriously, why would you want to pay for power, if you can make your own? Basically, what I am going to do in this article is tell you two main ways of how you can produce electricity at absolutely no cost.

DIY - Make Your Own Green Cleaners and Save Money!

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 08:15 AM CST

Okay, well... I've got another new way to save money and make money through a DIY project. Not only that, you can be a little healthier and help out the world a little bit. This is an easy project and is great to keep the house clean and smelling fresh without those nasty toxins and fake smells permeating the air.

Becoming Energy Independent

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 07:54 AM CST

When people think of becoming completely energy independent using alternative energy sources the usual thought is the transition will be difficult and expensive requiring an individual to build complex devices. That is only what the big energy conglomerates want you to believe and they have spent billions for you to think that way.

Becoming Energy Independent - Theres No Better Time Than Now!

Posted: 04 Nov 2008 07:52 AM CST

We have recently seen the cost of energy at near record levels. Even off its highs, the cost of energy is still affecting millions of people worldwide while in the United States three and four dollar a gallon gasoline have kept many people home while unparalleled heating oil costs keep houses nearly-frozen all winter long.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should try this website to see the best in how to build a wind generator

All the best,
Les and Jane